Professional Lawn Care in Austin, TX: Homeowner’s Alternative To Grass

lawn care austinStaring at a house with carpet like grass and excellent landscaping can help anybody feel serenity even when you are living in a busy environment. However, sometimes, grass can be really difficult to cultivate and maintain. Bur if you are tired of the many hours of labor just to keep your lawn’s green carpet, you don’t actually need to grow grass. If it is too stressful for you, instead of growing grass, how about just letting moss grow? Experts in lawn care in Austin, TX has provided interesting facts why growing moss can be an excellent alternative to grass.

What are moss? Mosses are some of the most primitive terrestrial plants. These plants lacks true roots – just leaves and stems and they proliferate healthily even without much care. This makes them an essential element in traditional gardens.

However, there are certain criteria you will need to fulfill if you are planning to grow moss instead of grasses. One such, and probably the most important of all is your location. Despite moss’s ability to healthily grow on its own, it is very particular about the place it’s planted. This is why it is very important to get advice from garden experts who are well acquainted with the different species that can survive well in your location.

Luckily, there are thousands of variations of mosses in the country so looking for one that can thrive in your area won’t be too hard. For example, the Leucobryum juniperoideum is one of the most recommended moss species for homeowners that are looking to have that “green carpet” look for their lawn. This specie’s appearance and the soft feeling gives off the look of a lush carpet. On the other hand, a Racomitrium canascens is an excellent choice for people who prefer something a little more funky-looking lawn as this type of moss has leaves that are star shaped.

While it was earlier mentioned that mosses do not need much care, it is crucial for mosses to be exposed to sunshine. They need more sunshine than water because they do not have roots and are only relying on photosynthesis to live. Of course this doesn’t mean that they will grow without water, they still need them to grow and become more beautiful – just not a lot of it.

Lastly, moss comes in male and female species and proliferation is accomplished through their unique interaction. In fact, when it rains or even just a drizzle, the male moss sprays out a cloud of their sperm which will then swim through the water droplets to reach the eggs in the female’s organ. These eggs, once fertilized will form a spore capsule from which new spores propagate.

Author: Christina Reed is a lawn care expert and blogger that loves sharing tips and advice to people by sharing her knowledge in lawn care and maintenance. She loves visiting sites like